Words have never been my preferred medium of expression.

I’ve always found I could convey my thoughts and feelings with much more ease and simplicity through images, or in other times, through music. I prefer telling my stories in more implicit ways, leaving space for the viewer’s personal narrative and perceptions, and so creating more unique individual experiences. But I feel that some stories, the ones with most importance, intensity, or intention, must be told clearly and directly, in order to fully honor their protagonists. My father was truly a protagonist in the story of my life, an endless source of support and inspiration, a constant in an otherwise often chaotic existence. This film is my attempt to tell this story in order to honor my father, knowing fully well that no words could even begin to describe all the ways he helped shape me into who and what I have become.

*You can license this footage through Filmsupply.

// or contact me: info [at ] enriquepacheco [dot] com


Shaped by Time

